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Information taken from the Holy Bible and years of teaching in the church.
Christianity is to have a faith in the one, true Allah (YHWH )—also known as Elohim or Jehovah (YHWH)—Who is Allah (YHWH) in three persons: Father, spiritual Son and Holy Spirit; and, an acceptance of Allah’s (YHWH) gift of life through Jesus Christ.
All people are imperfect humans that rebel (sin) and disobey Allah (YHWH) by doing things displeasing to Him causing them shame before Him and breaking relationship with Him. Allah (YHWH)—Who is just and unwilling to have shame (sin) in His presence-- must eliminate that shame (punish that rebellion, disobedience and sinfulness) with eternal damnation (eternal separation from Him). However, Allah (YHWH) is also merciful providing a way for all mankind (male and female) to be forgiven of that rebellion and shame (sinfulness), have their honor before Allah (YHWH) restored, and receive salvation (eternal life in His presence).
The way provided by Allah (YHWH) is through Jesus Christ--Allah (YHWH) Himself sent in human form—Who lived a perfect, shameless (sinless) life; and then gave His own life as the sacrifice atoning (making reparation) for all mankind's shame (sin) and restoring honor before and relationship with Allah (YHWH).
As Adam and Eve walked and talked with Allah (YHWH) in the Garden of Eden before they gave in to temptation and were separated from His presence, Christianity is known for being a personal relationship with Allah (YHWH), more than a religion of following rules.
Jesus Christ (the spiritual Son) was fully man and fully God Who fulfilled all prophecies—as recorded in the Holy Book (Bible)—of the Messiah (the expected King and Deliverer).
Christians try to become like Jesus Christ (follow Him) living according to the Holy Book (Bible) and as they believe He leads them.
Christians are able to do all that Jesus did (raise the dead, heal the sick, etc.) if it is according to God's will.
A Christian (also known as a Believer) is one who believes in Christ (from there comes the word Christian).
A Christian believes that Jesus Christ is the spiritual, not physical, Son of Allah (YHWH) and He is Allah (YHWH) incarnate--Allah (YHWH) Himself in human form.
A Christian accepts Jesus Christ’s atoning sacrifice for his or her shame and sin by making Jesus Christ one’s personal Lord and Savior.
This means turning away (repenting) from sin--any action that is not in alignment with Allah’s (YHWH) will and causes shame---and living according to Allah’s (YHWH) will as found in the Holy Book (Bible) and through prayer.
Misconception that Muslims hold about Christians
Saying the Prayer of Salvation means one will enter Heaven and reside eternally with Allah (YHWH) when at physical death.
Christianity is based on grace--a gift of Allah (YHWH) through Jesus--not mankind's good works distinguishing it from all other religions.
However, one’s desire to follow Jesus Christ and make Him Lord must be from the heart.
As the Holy Book (Bible) clearly discusses, if one truly makes Jesus Christ the Lord over one’s life, there will be visible fruit through one’s subsequent actions and deeds. These actions and deeds do not save any person, but rather are the evidence that one is already saved. They are evidence of a true faith in Jesus Christ and Christ’s Lordship over one’s life.
Misconception that Muslims hold about Christians
Christians should be perfect since they are forgiven and are supposed to obey Allah’s (YHWH) will.
Although Christians try to obey Allah’s (YHWH) will at all times, they are still imperfect human beings that make mistakes.
The difference is that they are forgiven and are trying to be like Jesus, but they are not perfect.
Christians read the Holy Book (Bible) to learn and follow its commandments and teachings.
This is an act of obedience but it is not in response to an obligation but rather done in love to please and honor Allah (YHWH) in response to His love for mankind.
There are many ‘laws’ that are very well known such as the Ten Commandments, but Allah’s (YHWH) truth is not limited to just those but rather to all that is contained in the Holy Book (Bible).
Jesus Christ explains that following the Holy Book (Bible) goes beyond a physical action that other men can see. It is first and foremost a matter of the heart and mind.
One example He gives is adultery. Where Allah (YHWH) forbids adultery in the Ten Commandments, Jesus explains that looking lustfully at a women is to commit adultery in the heart which also breaks the law.
The point is that Allah (YHWH) isn’t seeking obedience for obedience’s sake but rather a transformation of the mind and heart to truly love Him and one another.
This means treating one another as we would treat ourselves, honoring one another, helping one another, and putting one anothers needs before one’s own.
By doing this, Christians express their love to Allah (YHWH) and honor for Him.
In the Holy Book (Bible), Jesus summarizes all commandments with two statements.
The first is that the Lord their God is one and Christians are to love the Lord their God with all their heart, soul and strength.
The second statement is that Christians are to love their neighbor as themselves.
Jesus explains in the Injil (Gospel) that all the Law and the Prophets find their basis on these two commandments.
As a relationship with Allah (YHWH), prayer is a means of communication.
Prayer brings unity to that relationship, a better understanding of Allah's (YHWH) will, provides an opportunity to share our concerns, troubles and joys, and it helps us to learn to trust Him.
Because Jesus gave His life on the cross for all mankind’s sin, broke the curse of eternal death for those who receive Him, has power over evil and sickness as He showed with His life, and is Allah (YHWH) incarnate to us Who gives us strength through His Holy Spirit, Christians end their prayers by saying something like “we pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.”
It is very common for Christians to pray together about one particular need or situation as well as to pray for one another.
There is no set time for a Christian to pray. Though he or she may stop to pray for a set period of time, he or she is not limited to that time.
For a Christian, prayer is like an open dialogue with Allah (YHWH) that never really ends. Though they say Amen to signify they are done praying at that moment, they are free to pray (or reopen the dialogue) again at any time.
Christians can pray/talk to Allah (YHWH), at any time day or night.
In fact, the Holy Book (Bible) teaches Christians to pray without ceasing meaning that a Christian can and should talk to Allah (YHWH) any time they want and the more often the better.
It is very common for Christians to pray silently all throughout the day for everything happening around them.
It is also very common for Christians to be discussing problems and to stop in that moment to pray about them.
There is no set way that a Christian must pray other than in an attitude of humility and submission before Allah (YHWH).
Below are some common practices.
Christians often pray with their heads bowed as a sign of submission and humbleness before Allah (YHWH).
Some even get on their knees or lie prostrate on the floor.
Some Christians clasp their hands together or cover their heads when they pray.
When praying in groups, Christians sometimes hold hands as a sign of unity though it is not necessary.
Many Christians close their eyes while praying to avoid being distracted.
Women and men can pray together.
Families and couples often pray together.
Prayer can be done out loud or silently.
Christians can pray anywhere.
They can pray in groups like at church, or they can pray individually by themselves at home or elsewhere.
There is no set position or direction used in prayer.
Since Christians pray at any time, they can be driving, at work or anywhere, and pray silently as well.
It is common for Christians to say a prayer of thanks together to Allah (YHWH) before eating a meal.
Misconception that Muslims hold about Christians
Christians never pray because they have no set time to pray.
They don’t have a set time so they are free to pray whenever they wish and as often as they like.
Christians actually pray often all throughout the day.
Misconception that Muslims hold about Christians
Christians that hold hands while praying are in a cult.
When praying in groups, Christians sometimes hold hands as a sign of unity though it is not necessary.
As an Old Testament (Book of Moses) principle carried over to today, the tithe is 10% of your income and is typically given to the church to support the community such as taking care of widows, orphans and the poor. Today it tends to be used more to pay church staff salaries, expenses, rent as well as outreach to the community.
Offerings are monies given in addition to the tithe to help special causes or support missionaries and outreach projects.
Fasting is not an obligation, but rather a matter of the heart in response to one’s personal relationship with Allah (YHWH).
Christians fast to deepen their prayer for someone’s healing.
Christians fast to seek Allah's (YHWH) will about something specific.
Christians fast to exercise self-control or break bondages and addictions.
There is no set time for a Christian to fast though many make it a habit to fast one day per week or per month.
Churches often have times of fasting when the whole church will fast together typically to pray for spiritual revival or another commonality.
Sometimes Christians around the world will fast together or as a nation when praying for something in common.
Christians may fast at any time.
The most common type of fast is to abstain from all food.
Another common type of fast is a ‘Daniel fast’ which is to only eat fruits and vegetables.
Fasting can also be to give up something other than food but that which is difficult for a person to do without, such as television.
Fasting does not normally involve abstaining from water.
When a Christian fasts, they spend more time in prayer than normal, and they typically pray during the time they would have spent on what they are fasting.
Fasting length is up to the person and can be the length of one meal and up to 40 days. The 40-day mark is because Jesus fasted 40 days in the desert defeating all temptations thrown at him by satan before beginning His ministry.
The Holy Book (Bible) explains that fasting is to humble oneself before Allah (YHWH) and seek Him so as to loose the bonds of evil and anything that keeps one from fulfilling Allah’s (YHWH) purpose in one’s life.
It is also to help the needy and afflicted, not to judge nor be selfish.
It is done to help one mature in their knowledge of Allah (YHWH) and become more like Christ, to be reminded of His righteousness and to live as He did.
Fasting is a physical discipline that is meant to be paralleled spiritually; and is not abstaining from food to fulfill an obligation, but rather a fasting of the heart where personal repentance and merciful treatment of others prevail.
The denial of food is only the physical representation of a spiritual drawing near to Allah (YHWH) recognizing that He is Lord, seeking His will, recognizing that His plan is perfect, and expressing love for one another through merciful actions.
Misconception that Muslims hold about Christians
Christians don’t really fast because they drink water.
Christians fast by abstaining from food, not water, and can fast for up to 40 days and nights with no break. Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights.
The human body can only live three days without water. As Christians often fast for much longer periods of time, living without water is not possible.
Christians are not required to make any kind of pilgrimage.
They do like to visit the Holy Land (Israel) —the places where Jesus and the prophets walked—to give them a deeper understanding of their Holy Book (Bible).
Misconception that Christians hold about Muslims
Christians and Muslims can't talk about the Holy Land (Israel) because all Arabs hate Israel and Jews.
While there is a definite enmity between many Muslims and Jews, it is not a complete universal hatred as the media would have you believe. There are many who coexist or are friends despite their religious differences.
Muslims enjoy hearing about the places where Jesus lived and did miracles. They enjoy hearing about the Holy Book (Bible) stories that involve the prophets.
Because of the Israeli/Palestinian debate and the intensity of opinions surrounding it, simply talking about specific cities rather than mentioning country names keeps conversations non-political, amicable and flowing.
The imagery of the Holy Book (Bible) often relates to war as Christians are soldiers fighting spiritual battles.
Jesus has won the war over sin, shame and death so the only ‘war’ mankind faces is one that has already been won. Christians have only to choose to believe in and follow Jesus Christ to be fellow victors in that war.
However, they still must fight their own daily battles against their own wants and desires. This is the ‘war’ that Christians now fight in and talk about.
It is not against flesh and blood meaning it is not a war of physically killing other human beings; but rather a spiritual war battling against the enemy of their souls (satan and demons) and the sin that causes man shame before Allah (YHWH).
It is a battle within oneself to choose their spirit (what is good, right, honorable and pleasing to Allah (YHWH)) over their flesh (what is bad, evil, wrong, shameful and pleasing to ourselves but not to Allah (YHWH)).
Heaven is not dependent upon death in a war because Christians are not judged by their actions but rather by their faith in Christ, and that judgment yields either eternity with Allah (YHWH) (Heaven) or eternity without Him (Hell).
Christians are rewarded for their deeds or actions but only after eternal judgment has happened. One could say the eternal value of those deeds or actions is judged, and then rewarded if found of worth.
Misconception that Muslims hold about Christians
The Crusaders killed in the name of Allah (YHWH) so Allah (YHWH) called for that war.
The Crusades happened between people groups of opposing religions—Catholicism against all others, mainly Islam and Judaism—over control of land and governments. It originated in the Iberian Peninsula (today's Spain and Portugal) as a reconquest in rebellion against the Moorish invasion and Islamic control of the 8th century. This 'reconquest' went on for centuries and was eventually turned into The Crusades by the papacy around the 12th century (see Timeline under History). What began as a war for Iberians to take back their lands from the Muslims, turned into a crusade against all other religions that threatened the Christian way of life. It was not Allah (YHWH) that called for the Crusades but rather man's own desire to control others.
It was deemed ‘fought in the name of Allah (YHWH)’ because it was a war over religious power, but the Holy Book (Bible) is very clear that Allah (YHWH) gives all mankind the free will to choose to follow Jesus or not.
Allah (YHWH) forces no one to ‘convert’ but rather lovingly invites them to follow. The eternal consequences of that choice are clearly understood but the choice belongs to man.
The Holy Book (Bible) says not to get drunk on alcohol but does not prohibit drinking alcohol in moderation.
The Holy Book (Bible) talks about not abusing or overusing anything because it then becomes unhealthy and like an idol in your life replacing Allah (YHWH).
For example: food can be over-consumed and thus become unhealthy but in proper proportions to your body’s need it is not only healthy but necessary to life.
Food choices can also become a problem when a person regularly chooses unhealthy foods over healthy ones (cakes over apples) making pleasure a priority over health.
Many Christians decide that no amount of alcohol is tolerable. Others decide that a small amount is fine. All agree that the Holy Book (Bible) is clear that drunkenness is not acceptable.
Sidenote: As the effects of alcohol cook out of food made with alcohol, Christians do not see a problem cooking or baking with alcohol because it is not possible to get drunk from it.
While smoking is not specifically addressed in the Holy Book (Bible), it is clear that anything that is unhealthy for the body or mind should be avoided.
Anything that distracts someone from Allah (YHWH)—such as an addiction like smoking, gambling, drugs—should also be avoided.
In the Holy Book (Old Testament), pork was prohibited in the Jewish lifestyle because it was not clean and thus not suitable to eat as it could cause sickness.
Pork was only one of many other foods that were also listed as prohibited in the Holy Book (Bible).
After Jesus came, the Holy Book (New Testament) explains how Allah (YHWH) removed this prohibition and made all food clean or suitable to eat.
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